Thursday, April 12, 2012

Radhanath Swami on True Virtue

Some people just see hope everywhere and other people see hopelessness everywhere, according to the channel they are tuned into. Because they are both there, some people optimistic and some people are pessimistic, some people are angry, some people are friendly, it is depending on our channel or how we are being influenced by the environment around us, what waves we are connecting to. Our nature, as a part and parcel of God, is pure. But what we associate with very highly influences us. The human form of life is specifically and especially an opportunity to return to our original, divinely, all blissful, eternal nature, to utilize this body, education, wealth, and everything for that purpose. There is nothing wrong in making a lot of money, there is nothing wrong with a fantastic education; these are wonderful virtues, provided they are being used for the right reason. Put a knife in a thief’s hand and he will kill somebody out of greed. Put a knife in a doctor’s hand and he will save someone’s life out of compassion. The knife is the same. What is our consciousness? The biggest problems in this world today are not being created by simple, poor, uneducated people. They are being created by very intelligent highly educated wealthy people. But with that same power of education, that same power of knowledge, of strength, of wealth, we can do the best benefit and service to the world. This is essential.


  1. There is nothing wrong in making a lot of money, there is nothing wrong with a fantastic education; these are wonderful virtues, provided they are being used for the right reason. -- Wonderful statement. The right purpose of all our talents and energies is to use it to glorify the lord, Thank you very much Radhanath Swami Maharaj

  2. thanks for giving things right perspective

  3. amazing article

    thank you for sharing

  4. really very impressive ............loves to hear something like this . Thanks Swamiji

  5. Great message from Radhanath Swami. Thanks for sharing it.

  6. Thank you for sharing this wonderful thought with us Maharaj.

  7. Consciousness change the world around with its subtle interference as Maharaj has clearly explained. Thanks you Very much for sharing.

  8. What we associate with or tune into we become like. We can get discouraged on anything, or we can be grateful for anything. the choice is ours as Swamiji says.

  9. "The biggest problems in this world today are not being created by simple, poor, uneducated people. They are being created by very intelligent highly educated wealthy people."

    Very profound statement by Radhanath Swami!

  10. Thank you very much for sharing this wisdom from Radhanath Swami.

  11. fantastic write up.

  12. What a waste it is to spend human life in whiling away time! We need leaders like Radhanath Swami to wake us up from our slumber!

  13. Yes, it is ironic that the biggest problems of this world are due to educated and wealthy people.

  14. very vice..thanks Radhanath swami - dr yuvaraj bhosale

  15. Thank you for telling us how to use money and education for the right purpose. Also how good association is very important for our consciousness.
