Monday, August 13, 2012

Radhanath Swami on Awakening Love for God

When our consciousness becomes spiritually inspired by God’s name, and gets spiritually connected to the all-attractive Lord of our hearts, then naturally, whatever we do will be motivated with love and devotion. Devotion is the gradual development of the eternal spiritual virtue which gives meaning and fulfillment to our lives. Real fulfillment is in the awakening of our eternal inner love for God. And to give that fulfillment to our loved ones and to the needy people in the world is the greatest service. But we can only give what we have. Thus, if we believe, if we have faith, if we have scientific philosophical conviction or just simple faith, either one, then yes, we will orchestrate our lives in such a way that we actually fulfill our various responsibilities on the path of perfection. And for that purpose, we must have a strong commitment to chanting God’s names and living a life based on religious principles.


  1. Arjun K RamachandraAugust 14, 2012 at 5:27 AM

    Beautiful point here - Devotion is the gradual development of the eternal spiritual virtue which gives meaning and fulfillment to our lives.

  2. As HH Radhanath Swami says, the best service one can do the humanity is to give them the love of God besides our own sincere practice of chanting the holy names.

  3. Faith and commitment is so essential for spirituality.

  4. As HH Radhanath Swami nicely explains, the only way to revive our love of God is to chant the holy names of Godand living a life based on religious principles.

  5. Radhanath Swami time and again emphasizes the chanting of the holy names of God.

  6. Arjun K RamachandraAugust 18, 2012 at 6:21 AM

    I liked the statement by Radhanath Swami "Devotion is the gradual development of the eternal spiritual virtue which gives meaning and fulfillment to our lives". Without devotion to god our life is truly shallow and meaningless.

  7. "Devotion is the gradual development of the eternal spiritual virtue which gives meaning and fulfillment to our lives. Real fulfillment is in the awakening of our eternal inner love for God"

    Wonderful article and very sublime, in fact every one should follow to perfect their lives.

    Thank you so much maharaj for enlighten us

    All Glories to HH Radhanath swami maharaj

  8. The real fulfillment of the soul is always in contact with Krishna like chanting His holy names. Very nice explanation. All glories to HH Radhantha Swami Maharaja.

  9. Very good guide lines for ever. Chanting the holy names makes a man happy for ever. All glories to HH Radhanatha swami Maharaja.
