Monday, September 24, 2012

Radhanath Swami on Bringing A Change

To a certain extent we have the power to change our environment. But ultimately it is very limited; we may not be able to change the whole world or how people think or how people act or why people do what they do. Of course, we can try our best to help, but there is one thing that we could always change and that’s ourselves. If we live by that power, if we live with that potential of devotion, if we carry God’s grace in our lives and express it through what we do, that’s the greatest way in which we can influence others and there will be many people you do seriously influence. And of course there will be other people you may not be able to influence so much. But you can be transcendental to that. We cannot always change everything in this world but we can change ourselves and that gives us this great strength to be an instrument of change.


  1. Certainly we need a change as we are in wrong place,seeking a right thing. God's grace can help one to change others. We should try to be the recipient of God's grace. All glories to HH Radhanatha Swami Maharaja.

  2. Yes, nothing and no one can stop us from initiating self-change.

  3. Perfect advice given by Swamiji.....a person has limited control to change others but he has full control on himself & he should bring that change in himself to teach others by his example......

  4. we can change ourselves and that gives us this great strength to be an instrument of change. very nice article by Radhanath Maharaj.
