Monday, October 29, 2012

Radhanath Swami on Sacrifice

When it comes to making money to provide for oneself and one's family, one is willing to accept tremendous sacrifice. Just to earn some money, how much inconvenience people are going through. But because they have to feed their family, they are willing to do it. A mother will sacrifice so much for the child, she will stay up all hours of the night, she will accept so much inconvenience. Screaming all hours of the day, running around breaking everything in the house, making a completely embarrasment out of everything, the job of a mother is incredibly difficult. What if the mother thinks, "Well I won’t do, it is too difficult, forget it." The most petty things in life people are willing to endure pain and tribulation. What is the greatest attainment in life? What is the most precious treasure in life? It is the realization of one’s eternal soul. It is the fulfillment of all one’s heart desire to real awaken our eternal love of God. When we come to the greatest thing, we take it so cheaply. Can we say it is difficult, therefore I won’t do it, I don’t have the time?


  1. People have faith in what they see and it is so difficult to have in faith which they do not see.It is all perfect if one can desire to awake the eternal love of God. all glories to HH Radhanatha Swami Maharaja

  2. Radhanath Swami brings out the irony of our life in such a precise way. We have time for everything except the most important treasure - realization of our eternal soul.

  3. Thank you for these enlightening words. This means that we should persevere the attainment of God just as we strive hard for our daily living. Self realisation is not a separate or optional activity. It is a responsibility for all human beings.

  4. Rightly said by HH Radhanath Swami. Human form is meant for self realisation and we take it so cheaply that we don't have time for this.

  5. Swamiji is revealing the bitter truth of modern materialistic life....everyone is so engrossed in sense gratification that it becomes difficult to devote time for spiritual activities....

  6. It's very important for everyone to understand the real sacrifice which can give happiness to the whole world. Thank you HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj for this great message.
