Monday, November 5, 2012

Radhanath Swami on The Boon of Our Life

Who am I? Where am I coming from? Where am I going? Why am I suffering? Why is there so much suffering in this world? From the very beginning the Vedas explain that human life actually begins when we ask these questions. How could I learn mathematics or how can I learn science, or business, or housekeeping, this is not so important. But even the lower species have their mathematics and science. The way the spider makes its web is very mathematical, very architectural. A cow takes care of its calf - they are good housekeepers. Even a little cat takes care of its little babies. Human life actually begins when we really feel we need to know, not just out of curiosity, who we really are. When we feel a need to know, and we ask ourselves and others, that, according to the scriptures, is when human life begins, because human life is especially meant for self realization. It is the boon we have.


  1. According to this definition very few people would actually fit the title of human being yet those rare few are the fortunate one's.

  2. I never though in this way , even animals have mathematics in their life , s o what is special in human being? it is the ability to ask why i am suffering? Thanks to Radhanath swami for this thought

  3. The most unfortunate person is who never knows the purpose of human body which is meant for self realization.Very nice article. All glories to HH Radhanatha Swami maharaja.

  4. Very nice article.The special benediction that human beings have is that we have intelligent plus reasoning power wherein we can ask the logical questions like why?.This the major difference between human beings and the animals.Thank you Radhanath Maharaj for giving us knowledge to understand what is the difference between human form of life anf animal beings.

  5. Thanks Swamiji for your guidance.....
