Monday, March 4, 2013

Radhanath Swami on Love - The Mystical Essence

Whether we are Jews, Christians, Hindus, Parsis, Muslims, Sikhs, or even atheistic, the tendency of the masses is to use God for their personal benefit. God is there for me. When I need something God is my order supplier. And it is alright to think that whatever I need, let me ask God for it. When I am in danger, let me ask God to help me. When I want success, let me ask God for help. That’s good, because we are recognizing a superior divine power above ourselves. But in every great religion, there is a mystical essence which goes beyond that. This essence is love, and most people miss out on this. Love is not to take, love is to give. Everyone says God give me this, God give me that, God I want this. But eventually we must learn to say, "God, I love You. What can I give You? What do You want me to do for You?" That is the higher principle.


  1. Beautiful explnation of the hidden priciple in every religion by HH Radhanath Swami.

  2. Many thanks to swami Radhanath or this blog on how to Love God

  3. Very True. Thank you Swamiji.

  4. Thank you Radhanath Swami for sharing this higher principle.

  5. Har Bol!!! Maharaj has mentioed the right way to express love to God.

  6. Thanks for your guidance Swamiji.....

  7. Amazing message from HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj on how to establish relationship with God on the foundation of love and only love. Today people cheat themselves and others by projecting God to be their order supplier, and which certainly is not on the platform of love.
