Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Radhanath Swami on Being Connected

The greatest musicians study under other great musicians. The greatest artists study under other great artists. The greatest lawyers, doctors, and professors study under other great lawyers, doctors and professors. So why should we take spiritual life so cheaply? To study every other subject matter seriously, we try to find a teacher to teach us. But we think that in approaching the science of God, we can just figure out our own way. If we are truly and deeply serious about finding God, then the Lord within our heart will direct us to a teacher who can show us the path. Even the great personalities who don’t need teachers accept teachers just to show us how important it is. Jesus accepted John the Baptist and Krishna became the disciple of His own devotee, Sandipani Muni, just to show the world the importance of being connected to a teacher. When genuine faith awakens within our heart then we understand what is a guru.


  1. Thank you Radhanath Swami for explaining the importance of Guru

  2. Thanks for showing the importance of accepting a Guru.

  3. Only serious and sincere spiritual practioners will understand the importance of a guru or spiritual master to guide them.

  4. Yes why should we neglect Spiritual education?Spiritual education is connected to the self or Atma or eternal Soul.When we are utmost careful in choosing our material education connected with our body which is temporary in nature and neglecting requirement of eternal soul is foolishness.Therefore we should sincerely cultivate the desire to have proper spiritual education for our eternal benefit then Lord who is present in our heart will guide us and take us to person who is God Conscious or Krishna Conscious.

  5. We are always seeking the opportunity to be connected to something or someone great - it is the soul's nature.

  6. Thank you Radhanath Swami for giving us the guidance.

  7. Jesus accepted John the Baptist and Krishna became the disciple of His own devotee, Sandipani Muni, just to show the world the importance of being connected to a teacher.

  8. We all need a teacher in our lives and bona fide Gurus like Radhanath Swami take the responsibility of bringing their disciples to God !!

  9. Accepting a Guru is very important to progress in our spiritual lives. It is only he who can guide us, love us, teach us and bring us to the Lord.

  10. Vedic scriptures clearly enunciate the necessity of surrendering to a bona-fide spiritual master (Guru) for understanding the spirituality. Thank you very much Radhanath Swami Maharaj for this great lesson.
