Saturday, July 20, 2013

Radhanath Swami on Solving the Greatest Problem

Through all our intelligence, all our efforts in this world, we are very anxious to find a solution to problems. Even businesses are based on trying to eradicate people’s problems – people grow food to solve the problems of hunger, you buy tooth paste to solve the problems of cavities, you wear clothes because you don’t want to be a social misfit or to solve the problem of cold or heat. Throughout our lives we are endeavoring to solve the problems that face us, but there is one problem that is guaranteed to be faced by each and every one of us. Through all science and technology, we have no solution to this problem and that is the problem of death.


  1. Swamiji is revealing a bitter truth which no one cares to ponder upon......

  2. Very true,only devotees of the Lord knows, how to solve the problem of death

  3. Everyone knows that death is the ultimate truth, however a devotee sees death as a wonderful opportunity to meet with God. Nice message from Radhanath Swami Maharaj.

  4. True! Neither science nor man has found a solution to inevitable death!

  5. Death is the real problem and no scientist have solution for this inspite of their so called advancement. So true !!
