Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Radhanath Swami on Sacred Celebrations

All over the world there are millions of people celebrating festivals. But like most spiritual occasions, not so many know why. It is a characteristic of kali yuga that even sacred things are perceived very superficially. Often times religious festivals of all religions are more of an opportunity for some sort of social entertainment than for genuinely cultivating love of God – which is the purpose of every great religion and the purpose of every spiritual observance. The Srimad Bhagavatam tells us that whatever occupation we perform, whatever spiritual activities we do, if in the end it does not awaken within us a deep attraction to hear about, to chant about, to serve and to love God, then we miss the point. We have wasted our time.


  1. Jai Gurudev !! thank you so much for the nectar.

  2. Very true! Most of us do not know why we are doing what we are doing! It's just a practice that has been carried on for ages. But it is for us to find out the essence behind the festivals and perform them in the proper mood to engage in devotional service and develop love for the Supreme Lord.

  3. Swamiji is revealing the bitter truth of the modern age....

  4. Nice point made by HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj here! Our main goal for devotional service should be to increase the love towards Him and His unalloyed devotees.

  5. HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj has brought into picture a very important issue and that is that today we take every festival a means to satisfy our material desires and these events are being used as social entertainment.

  6. HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj has nicely brought out the importance of sacred celebrations.

  7. Thanks maharaj for coming into our life. This in itself is an celebration.

  8. Radhanath Swami has pin-pointedly shown the fallacies of spiritual observances and opened our eyes to the real motive behind it! Thanks so much

  9. Unfortunately this is the situation for majority of the cases. However, we are fortunate to have mentors like HH Radhanath Swami, who can enlighten us with such wisdom and show us the right mood behind the festivals. Thank you very much for sharing.
