Monday, July 4, 2011

Radhanath Swami on Suffering for Self Realization

It is natural that we do not seek miseries and calamities but they come of their own accord. The nature of maya is that which is not. What you think you’re going to get is just the opposite of what you actually get. There are many examples. Man and woman fall in love and then how much they torture each other! Then they want children and how much misery the child gives them! India fought so hard for independence and what kind of mess has been created ever since! It’s like that. So what we’re hoping for, maya will not give us that. That is the law of nature. So this age of quarrel and hypocrisy is very favorable because sufferings are everywhere. We can really use our good intelligence and turn to God with our heart.


  1. Arjun K RamachandraJuly 5, 2011 at 3:41 AM

    Radhanath Swami has aptly summarized here "What we’re hoping for, maya will not give us that. That is the law of nature".

  2. Suffering is inevitable as Radhanath Swami has rightly pointed out. But if we are spiritually strong, then we can bear it very graciously.

  3. Wow! The dualities are explained so nicely by Radhanath Swami. The cause of the problem - Maya is so well defined. Thank you.

  4. Very nice article !

    In fact very inspiring article. It is true, as Maharaj said Maya is so powerful and people donot realise they are suffering and they comprise and continue to live with miseries.

    Thank you so much maharaj for enlighten us.

    All Glroies to HH Radhanath swam maharaj.

  5. So true!! We can never be happy,whatever we get is always little less or not the best according to us,However if we have spiritual backing and with the help of spiritual Guru, we can overcome this greed and progress the path of spiritual realization.

  6. thankyou radhanath swami for this lovely explaination.!!

  7. powerful article, which reminds us of the reality at point blank. we should indeed use our intelligence and turn to GOD

  8. Beautiful words of wisdom by Swamiji...

  9. Wonderful message by Radhanath Swami. We can never understand the plan of Mayadevi. She can play trick with us in so many ways that we can't fathom what's happening. However a devotee never gets bewildered by any calamities and so, since he has taken complete shelter of the Lord.

  10. Very truly said .hoping to remember to turn
    to the Lord everytime Maya is in action.
    Thank U Radhanath Swami

  11. Some powerful lessons are mentioned on this post.

  12. What One wants gives him sufferings and what one needs give him liberation. We need to turn to God for each and everything as it is sanctioned by Him for his own benefit. All glories to Radhanatha Swami.
