Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Radhanath Swami on Wake Up to Eternal Glory

Sanatan Dharma is the message taught in the Vedas. The Vedas do not teach Hinduism, the Vedas teach Sanatan Dharma. Hinduism is basically the modern understanding of Sanatan Dharma. But Sanatan Dharma means to understand that you are eternal and that your essential constitutional position is that you are a servant of God. To engage in His loving service, to love Him - that is Sanatan Dharma. Every religion is teaching essentially Sanatan Dharma. We can capture that realization within our heart, within our life, and then we will be peaceful. Not only will we be peaceful in this age of chaos, we will not even see chaos. We will only see how we are a humble servant to help every living being come out of this illusion of chaos. That is the greatest goal of life - to wakeup out of this dream of chaos and understand our eternal glory and the eternal glory of God.


  1. Sanatan Dharma means to understand that you are eternal and that your essential constitutional position is that you are a servant of God.

  2. This competition for love of God, although the most rare thing in the entire creation, is so amazing that anyone who sincerely wants to access it can get it. wonderful

  3. a true explanation of vedas

  4. Insightful article...
    Illusion is the greatest force every spiritual seeker have to fight with..

  5. A true religion teaches us how to love God and His children.

  6. simple but profound explanation of basic reason of chaos and also the common principle of all religions.

  7. elaborate description of Sanatana Dharma, so that one does not ever forget the true meaning

  8. Thank you so much for these wonderful posts.

  9. Advaita & KalasudhaOctober 5, 2011 at 9:33 AM

    A very beautiful read. Especially loved the last words, " That is the greatest goal of life - to wakeup out of this dream of chaos and understand our eternal glory and the eternal glory of God."

  10. Hinduism practically we do not recognize because this word "Hinduism" is not mentioned in any Vedic literature. It is a foreign term. The Muhammadans, they called the inhabitants of India as "Hindus." From that word, it is has come to "Hinduism." Otherwise, we don't find that word in any Vedic literature. "Hinduism" is a foreign term, it is not a Vedic term.

  11. Thank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj for giving such nice explanation of Sanatan Dharma.

  12. What a true explanation to define a genuine religion

  13. thankyou...the essence of universal religion

  14. Maharaj has given a clear definition of Sanatan Dharma

  15. Thank you for explaining the real sanatan dharma

  16. H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj has nicely explained what is "Sanatana Dharma" in precise words.

  17. wonderful explanation of real religion

  18. Thank you HH Radhanath swami for explaining us the sanatana dharm.

  19. Nice explaination about Sanatana Dharma.Actully hinduism is the way of life,well connected to sanatana dharma.I also found the statement
    encoraging that if we follow the sanatana dharma,we won't be seeing chaos,but peaceful life.

  20. enlightening description from vedas

  21. Thank you very much maharaj!!!
