Monday, December 13, 2010

Radhanath Swami on A Healthy Society

We find in the ancient Vedic scriptures that the greatest kings of the world bow their heads to the feet of those who can control their senses. To the degree we find leaders, who have this disposition, we actually have a healthy spiritual society. Detachment from sense gratification is real strength. To the degree we are attached to sense gratification, we should be understood to be in a very weakened condition. Therefore the renunciants have the highest position in the varnashram (Vedic) society.

To the degree a society honors renunciation and devotion, not strength, athletic ability, good acting, money, wealth, power and control, to that degree the society is on the right track. Because if those who have money and power, those who have great strength and influence over others, are not humbly following those who are genuinely renounced, then all of their facilities are only creating a situation where in they themselves and others are drowning deeper and deeper and deeper in the ocean of illusion.


  1. Radhanath Swami is completely detached from this material world and hence can preach this message very strongly - YDas

  2. Radhanath swami through shastra chakshu is telling the reason of today's lack of peace in the society.

  3. As Maharaj said, today's so called civilized people donot know how to respect saintly persons(Goswami's), who are the real well wishers, so merciful and real wealthy, instead bowndown at godasa's for temporary benefits. Thank you so Much Maharaj for enlighten us.

  4. Excellent point by Radhanath Swami. We need leaders who can control their senses and have detachment from sense gratification.
    Wonderful point...

  5. Great message from Radhanath Swami. The whole varnashrama system is based on this principle. We have seen how in Vedic times, people lived a wonderful and real happy lives. Unfortunately we are missing all these qualities in today's culture and this is the main reason of fall down of the people.

  6. His Holinees Radhanath Swami Maharaj has wonderfully spoke of the importance and benefits of honoring renunciation and devotion to maintain a proper Society.

  7. Sense control is very imortantfor spiritual life.

  8. To the degree a society honors renunciation and devotion, not strength, athletic ability, good acting, money, wealth, power and control, to that degree the society is on the right track.
    Radhanath swami is giving the formula for healthy society

  9. Thank you Maharajji. We should understand the real purpose od human life.

  10. Thank you maharaj for your instructions on real strength and what should be honoured

    H.H.Radhanath Swami Maharaj ki jai.

  11. Radhanath Swami echoes the teachings of the Vedic scriptures wherein the lives of highly spiritual and influential 'Rajarishis' have been chronicled.

  12. If only today's leaders followed genuine spiritual teachers like Radhanath Swami, the world would be such a better place.

  13. Thank u Radhanath Swami for for telling us the real qualities of a leader.

  14. Thank you so much Radhanath Swami

  15. Unfortunately both the items (good leaders, honoring the renunciation and devotion) stated here by Radhanath Swami are not to be seen in these days.

  16. Thank you very much for sharing the words "Detachment from sense gratification is real strength"

  17. The leadership of any society has to undergo sacrifices, and society should respect these leaders.

  18. To the degree a society honours renunciation and devotion, not strength, athletic ability, good acting, money, wealth, power and control, to that degree the society is on the right track. These words of wisdom by H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj are so valuable. We can understand why the present society is like this through this insight.

  19. Everyone should try to feed in our minds that Detachment is real strength.

  20. We are very lucky to have in our midst, true renunciants like Radhanath Swami who are actively inspiring us to take up God-consciousness and perfect our lives & attain the real goal of this human form of existence.

  21. These yardsticks show how much the present civilization needs to be rescued.

  22. Where is the WORLD headed to ! . Well it should rather sound where the HELL we are taking this world to. If only we and are so leaders were genuinely concerned things wouldn’t be so worse, there is no denying this fact any which way we look at it, scientific advancement has succeeded to create a solution only as far as creating another more advanced problem. Radhanath Swamis teachings remind and guide us to what essentially is needed to be done to free our selves from perpetual entanglement.

  23. Absolutly right.A civilization without following vedic injuctions (which are the words of the God)is simply nuisance in the society.Thank you Radhanath Swami for a nice lesson to all of us.

  24. Radhanath Swami has made an eye opening point. We can actually see how this world has become a miserable place and now we know the reason for this.

  25. Thanks to Radhanath swami for making such an important point. Lets all pray and hope that the leaders of the world understand this vital point.

  26. Maharaj very nicely explain what the qualities of a leader should be so we should be carefully before accepting one as guru or leader

  27. Excellent point by Radhanath Swami. We need leaders who can control their senses and have detachment from sense gratification.

  28. Perfect description of a healthy society......with this article we can judge how unhealthy our society is now where genuine spiritualists are considered as lazy, imposters or beggars....

  29. Modern society has totally gone off track with slogan being - enjoy as much, without any restriction - leading to miserable lives...
