Friday, February 4, 2011

Radhanath Swami on The Perfection of Life

The whole cycle of how one falls into the material life begins with attraction between the objects of the senses and the senses. From that attraction comes lust - Kama, the longing and craving to enjoy something - and then one becomes attached to the sense objects. One naturally becomes attached to whatever one enjoys. But this tendency can be used to turn around the situation completely. It is the nature of the soul to become attached to what it enjoys. And the soul finds unlimited enjoyment in being enjoyed by God. Therefore, when one gets attracted to God, one unfailingly becomes unlimitedly attached to Him. That is the perfection of life.


  1. Radhanath Swami has very nicely explained how we can dovetail our propensities & engage our senses in the loving service of God. This alone can bring us eternal bliss & happiness.

  2. Ydas says :
    Radhanath Swami has laid to rest a doubt that I always had about myself being too attached to enjoying material sense objects - here is a way out of how to allow the soul to become attached to God

  3. Radhanath Swami himself, through his life, teachings and various projects is attracting thousands of people towards God and making them lovers of God.

  4. Well said! Very well said indeed! Precise, concise, and powerful. Hats off to Radhanath Swami!

  5. wow.. such a beautiful re-engineering of attachment to love of God.

  6. Thank u for the article. Maharj beautifully explains how we can get rid of unwanted attachments..

  7. This is most instructive yet so full of hope.
    Thankyou Radhanath Swami for this amazing instruction

  8. when one gets attracted to God, one unfailingly becomes unlimitedly attached to Him. That is the perfection of life

    very deep wisdom from HH Radhanath Swami maharaj

  9. This is a fact that if we take one step towards God, He taken 10 towards us because He is eagerly waiting for all of us to come back to His Supreme abode. Radhanath Swami has elaborated this point very nicely here.

  10. As HH Radhanath Swami explains, devotional service is not bereft of enjoyment; infact it opens the door for actual and everlasting enjoyment for the soul.

  11. HH Radhanath swami maharaj nicely emphasized the importance of sense engagement in spiritual life.

    It's very difficult to control senses without engage them in any activity instead we can engage them in krishna's service to purify the senses.

    Thank you so much for sharing us.

  12. Thanks Swamiji for alerting us of the danger of getting attached to sense gratification & for guiding us to get attached to God.....

  13. Thank you Radhanath Swami for explaining how we can achieve a permanent source of happiness.

  14. All Glories To H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj

    One short paragraph, and the gist of the objective of life defined. Truly Amazing.

    Hare Krishna

  15. When one gets attracted to God, one unfailingly becomes unlimitedly attached to Him. That is the perfection of life.....Such heart-warming post. Thank you

  16. Due to illusion, we think we are our bodies and try to become happy which is not possible. As Radhanath Swami indicates that we are souls which need the link to Krishna in order to get happiness. All glories to Radhanath Swami.
