Friday, June 3, 2011

Radhanath Swami on Bodily Attractions

What is physical attraction to the opposite sex? When we cut open the body, what is inside? Just mucuous, blood, stool, urine and pus. It is disgusting. All there is, is a terrible smelling substance. There is a little thin tiny layer of coating and we are mad for it and infatuated by it. It is just a matter of time that the skin is crinkled and wrinkled. What appears to be pretty now will soon become saggy and baggy in a few years. We all know this. But yet, the illusory energy of the Lord puts us - the pure eternal souls, part of God and full of bliss - in such an embarrassing situation of being attracted and attached to a lump of flesh. It is all a mental game that illusion plays on everyone. Even great ascetics undertaking severe austerities can get bewildered under the spell cast by the opposite sex unless they take to the shelter of the Lord.


  1. After Radhanath Swami Maharaj's vivid description of the human anatomy, it should be lot more easier for people to practice celibacy!

  2. Radhanath Swami has x-rayed our bodily attractions and revealed how we are deep in illusion for something that's a thin cover. Dont judge on the externals.

  3. A little too heavy I guess....

  4. Arjun K RamachandraJune 3, 2011 at 10:03 AM

    "It's all a mental game which the illusory energy plays on everyone". How true this is! Everyone except the pure devotees of the lord are battered by these waves of illusion and bewildered by the spell of the opposite sex.

  5. Shoba RamachandranJune 3, 2011 at 10:49 AM

    Pretty heavy's a truth which we don't want to look at that way. Whoever reads this article, if they remember it whenever they get the urge calls from the body, I'm sure they will be awake and won't fall for it. Thanks Maharaj.

  6. The way Radhanath Swami so easily explains the truth makes us see how much we are in illusion.

  7. Men and women unite for the sensual pleasure of sex, but by actual experience anyone can observe that neither the women are happy nor the men! People think that sex is the greatest platform of happiness, although actually it is a source of distress. Still as fittingly mentioned by Radhanath Swami nobody can escape from this illusion, unless one take the shelter of the Lord.

  8. the embarrassing reality...yet we are mad after it.

  9. Very nice message from Radhanath Swami here. WE have proofs and evidences in the history that how even great mystics, yogis had fallen down from their exalted position because they did not surrender to the Lord.

  10. Thank you Maharajah for reminding us the power of illusory energy.

  11. Thank you Radhanath Maharaj for telling us how important to take shelter of the Lord. Unless untill we take shelter oh the Lord we won't be able to escape from this illusion 'attraction towards physical body'.

  12. Super. Its inspiring that the only way we can overcome Madhana is by taking shelter of Madhana-Mohana (Krishna). Otherwise, if we depend on our strengths like the ascetics do, then, Madhana will figure out a way to bring our fall-down

  13. Wonderful, HH Radhanath swami very nicely explained about Human body attraction.

    This is fact but it is really difficult to realise it, maya is so powerful. One devotee saying that in Medical college there is one depot. called Anatomy. In that depot. medical students do desection and do practicals on dead human body.

    It is know fact that they cut the body and it see the internal parts. It is really ugly sistuation but Devotee claiming that majority of medical students fell in Love with their collegues in that Anatomy Lab. See the power of maya, they know that body is temporary and is lump of Blood, bones, mucus, bile etc. still fall in love.

    It is very difficult to realise and overcome , unless and untill surrender unto the Dust of Lotus of Lord sri krishna
    or His Bonafied representative LIke HH Radhanath swami maharaj.

    Thank you so much Maharaj for enlighten us.

  14. Skin Disease of lust Maharaj is very difficult to overcome.Only Paramhamsas like you can do.I can not even imitate you.I may only try chant and serve devotees.Seek your blessings.

  15. What an amazing realisation Swamiji has shared with us.....Illusion is really powerful but as suggested by Swamiji one should take shelter of Lord to overcome illusion......

  16. very heavy..but Truth is usually like this..This is a fact that we face almost daily..every now and then..and these words full of wisdom, reminded so nicely, are really helpful to get our mind back on our eternak business.

  17. maharaj explained very nicely.
