Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Radhanath Swami on The ‘One’ before all ‘Zeroes’

Whatever we may have in this world - beauty, education, etc. – are all zeros. Because anything we do materially, has but temporary results. We are eternal souls; temporary things have no real value in eternity. But God is the 'one' in front of all these zeros – the ‘1’ that converts ‘0’ to ‘10’ and ‘0000’ to ‘10000’. That’s why we should do everything for the pleasure of God; converting even the temporary material activities into eternal spiritual activities – because acting for the pleasure of God is our eternal constitutional position.


  1. Radhanath Swami is emphasizing The more we do for KRishna the more happy we are in our life. THis is realsuccess achieving material wealth position, power is simply going to bind us unless we have a plan in place to utilise our position power etc. to serve Krishna.

  2. Very well explained. Our God-given attributes actually have value, but only if linked to serve the source of the attributes---God.

  3. Radhanath Swami has shown the differential position of God with regards to all other living entitites in a very brilliant manner.

  4. As Radhanath Swami says here, none of us have to give up any of our material achievements, but we have to accept the Lord in our lives and make Him the centre of everything. Then all our accomplishemnts will become spiritual

  5. Radhanath swami is nicely explaining here that only when we dovetail our activities towards God will they have real value.

  6. Maharaj has showed us an easy way to be happy by placing God in the center.

  7. A beautiful explanation. God is the 1 which will give value to anything we do or think. Otherwise everything is 0 because it is temporary

  8. Best part is Maharaj tell us to convert our temporary material activities into eternal spiritual activities instead of leaving all activities which is very difficult due to human nature. But converting them into spiritual is not only possible and easy but also they attach meaning to everything we do in life.

  9. Thank you Maharaj for reminding us what is the key to real success in life.

  10. Material activities are temporary and have no value unless we add the Supreme Lord into our lives.

  11. This explanation captures the highest truth in very simple language. This is the hallmark of great saints.

  12. Acting for the pleasure of God is our eternal constitutional position.Thankyou for reminding this in many different ways.

  13. A million zeroes placed next to each other add up to... another zero. Thank you Radhanath Swami for revealing the missing "1" in our life.

  14. Very well said by Radhanath Swami Actually he is showing a way of how to lead a god centred life

  15. Beautiful explanation by Radhanath Swami....

  16. Mathematics with a spiritual twist! Radhanath Swami very wonderfully explains how we all are literally nothing and only when the Lord is given prime importance in our life do we amount to something. Thank you Radhanath Swami for giving this analogy.

  17. Yes, and we should live with whatever our eternal constitution is and that is we are servants of God. Thank you Radhanath Swami for putting these soothing words.

  18. We are nothing by ourselves. Our relationship with Gid gives meaning to our being. Thank you Maharaj for expalining this.
