Monday, November 22, 2010

Radhanath Swami on Wonders of Creation

Even scientists claim that the sun is millions of times bigger than earth. It is made of blazing fire and stays in the same place. Theories can be made to explain how this is possible but that cannot detract from the quantum of amazement on perceiving such inconceivable phenomena. Why doesn't God create this material world in a simple and understandable way? Because if we want to know God, we must accept His inconceivable potencies - that is the first principle of understanding the Absolute Truth or God. And that is why, great saints who want us to understand God first crush our empirical attachment to our mind and senses equipped with the arsenal of science and technology.


  1. Because God knows that we humans don't know that simplicity is the highest form of sophistication. But the Vrajavasi's know, that's why Krishna is a simple cowherd boy for them.

  2. Very interesting point. Thank you very much Radhanath Swami, for establishing that God's inconceivable potencies are beyond our empirical observations and understanding.

  3. H.H.Radhanath Swami Maharaj ki jai

  4. This shows how difficult it is to understand the creation of this material world. Different theories come and go contradicting each other. We can not undersatand God by mundane senses.

  5. What atheistic people say for this straight point of HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj.

  6. More complex you are the greater complexity he(God) arranges

  7. Good connection-to accept Lord as inconceivable understand it from the inconceivability of His creation.

  8. Everything in nature has something that can teach us a great lesson to enrich our spiritual life. Only we need spiritual masters like Radhanath Swami to draw out these lessons and present it to us for practical application.

  9. Brilliant understanding of why the creation is complicated.

  10. we cannot understand God by our material senses

  11. This a powerful quote from Radhanath Swami. God, by definition, is more than what we can ever perceive - because He is the source of our powers of perception.

  12. To accept GOD in a mood of awe and reverence is the first step towards ultimately taking complete shelter of Him. And GOD has created this world the way we see it to extract precisely that kind of an emotion

  13. Wonderful. This is what I was looking for. How attached is our mind to our own ways of knowing things, through imperfect means of empiricism and senses.
    Radhanath Swami, thank you very much for explaining the right way of approaching the inconceivable nature of potencies of Absolute Truth

  14. Our problem is we want to understand everything with our tiny mind and here Radhanath Swami explained it is beyond our reach. First we must realize His inconceivable potencies.

  15. Good instructions from Radhanath Swami. We can not have any realization of God without accepting His inconceivable potencies.

  16. Radhanath Swami has tried to convey message to the world that creation and creative energy of the Lord are complete and very powerful, which are not easily fathomable.

  17. Another beautiful way from Radhanath swami to understand God.

  18. One of the side effect of modern science is that, it takes the ignorant people away from God. One who is a true scientist must admit the inconceivable phenomenon in this universe.

  19. Nice article. This makes me appreciate that this creation is indeed wonderful! Both at microscopic and macroscopic level its just amazing creation.

  20. God is inconceivable. We make try our stunts with microscopes and telescopes, computers and space ships, only to realize this after spending trillions of dollars and centuries of speculation.

  21. Indeed, God cannot be understood by our logic and reasoning

  22. One only way of understandong the complexities of all creation is to surrender to the Lord. With his mercy only can we understand God and his creation, not with our limited material senses.

  23. Explaining logically how God is beyond logic is important for today's society.

  24. If one tries to find source of creation all by himself or group of so called scientists , one gets totally confused by the complicated structure. but if one tries to understand the source from a person who has realized Him(the Lord) it becomes so simple and there is no need to study the complicated universe by dry and unsafe way but through study of scriptures.

  25. God is inconceivable we cannot understand He and His potency by our senses without taking shelter of proper guru like Radhanath maharaj.

  26. Now I have understood why certain things are inconceivable.

  27. A simple mind is the best tool to understand God, that is why Radhanath Swami stresses on disillusioning ourselves from the grandeur of modern science.

  28. How can we understand limitless Lord with our limited understanding? Our trying to do so is the biggest joke. Lord only reveals Himself according to His will to His pure devotees.Thank you Maharaj for pointing out our limitations.

  29. Our act of appreciating the wonder that this creation is can serve us by being the first step toward realizing GOD
