Friday, January 7, 2011

Radhanath Swami on Caterpillar to Butterfly

The crawling caterpillar enters into the very restricted environment of a cocoon. But through that austerity, it is transformed into a butterfly. Nobody thinks a caterpillar is very beautiful, but the butterfly is perhaps the most beautiful of all little insects - flying from one scented flower to the next, with all its gorgeous colors. Such transformation of the heart is what’s required; transformation of our desires from the not-so-beautiful state of living according to our egoistic conception of wanting to enjoy, to the beautiful conception of wanting to serve.


  1. Thus we understand that our true beauty lies in our eagerness to serve.

  2. extraordinary comparison. thank u.

  3. As very beautifully explained by HH Radhanath Swami, we all should aspire for serving the devotees and Lord for quick spiritual progress.

  4. Haribol. Thank you for the wonderful post!

  5. Beautiful Analogy and very instructive !!! Thank you Radhanth Swami.

  6. What a wonderful analogy!

  7. Nice message from Radhanaht Swami who always inspires everyone in one or the other way. In another place he told that difference between wisdom and knowledge is that, knowledge means some information, but wisdom means the information which can cause tranformation of the heart.

  8. Associating with pure & saintly people like Radhanath Swami Maharaj will definitely facilitate such a change in our mindset from 'wanting to enjoy' to 'wanting to serve'.

  9. An enlightening message with a profound analogy by His Holiness Radhanath Swami Maharaj.

  10. very nice analogy

  11. Very wonderful.Thank you so much Maharaj.

  12. beautiful lesson from a caterpillar to a butterfly, by surrounding our self by chanting of the holy names will transform our Hard egoistic heart to soft heart of love and servitude.

  13. Thank you Maharajah for reminding us to advance in spiritual life we have to change this conception of wanting to enjoy to i am the servant of everyone.

  14. Radhanath Swami is nicely explaining how not-so-beautiful state of living should be transferred to the beautiful conception of wanting to serve.

  15. That's a brilliant post...

  16. Thanks to Radhanath swami for kindly reminding us all to be servants of the Lord rather than enjoyers.

  17. Radhanath Swami's analogy is befitting to point of transformation of heart. Wonderful narration.

  18. Vivid examples is Radhanath Swami's specialty.

  19. Very appropriate analogy to bring to the point that all spiritual endeavours, though difficult should be undertaken for the pleasure of Lord & his devotees........

  20. What a beautiful explanation.. Thank u for sharing

  21. Transformation of heart, very well described by Maharaj by use of analogy of caterpillar and butterfly....

  22. Radhanath Swami's beautiful explanation of living happily is by only transforming of our desires from the not-so-beautiful state of living according to our egoistic conception of wanting to enjoy, to the beautiful conception of wanting to serve.

  23. Thus austerity makes you beautiful and gorgeous.

  24. Radhanath aswami has nicely explained the concept of wanting to enjoy TO the beautiful conception of wanting to serve through the example of caterpillar and butterfly.

  25. If we discipline ourselves to serve with enthusiasm, eventually the beauty of our act will shine.

  26. thank you so much Radhanath Swami Mhj for your inspiration, teaching and guidance...we have hope to one day transform our hearts as you explain...
